Earlier today, we had the pleasure of offering training based on Parenting the
Challenging Child to a wonderfully dedicated group of foster & adoptive parents and professionals, through the Delaware Valley Adoption Council. Over 120 families tuned in, via Zoom, for the two-hour training event designed to help participants:
1. Cultivate more positive relationships with children.
2. Better understand what is happening in a young person’s brain during periods of stress and conflict.
3. De-escalate a child’s intense emotions and prevent problem behaviors.
4. Respond to children in ways that interrupt the dynamics of conflict.
I couldn’t have asked for a better group. Their questions were fantastic and their comments reflected their in-depth understanding of the needs of young people who have experienced trauma and other adverse childhood experiences.
We recorded the training and hope to make it available here on the LSCI.org website soon. Please check back for details.
To bring the Parenting the Challenging Child training to your group–either via live training, a video recording, or a live streaming event, please email signewhitson@lsci.org
Purchase your copy of Parenting the Challenging Child here. (Available and ready to ship.)