LSCI Certification Training - June 23-27 - Register Today!
LSCI Conference - June 27-28 - Register Today!
LSCI is trauma-informed care in action! Alex Cameron, Director of Clinical Services, Pressley Ridge

Level 3: The Six Interventions

Current Status
Not Enrolled
Get Started


The LSCI Online Refresher Course: Level 3 provides opportunities for participants who are looking to deepen their understanding of LSCI and work towards their Senior Trainer certification. In this level, participants read published journal articles that detail real-life LSCI interventions. You then upload written responses to 7-10 thought questions for each article, to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of each intervention.

NOTE: These advanced levels of LSCI training are only available to participants who have ALREADY COMPLETED the FULL LSCI CERTIFICATION TRAINING.

Before beginning the course

Please review the articles below for your Level 3 certification. The course requires you to submit responses for each of the 6 articles.


The responses you provide to each Level 3 short-answer exam will be read by a Master Trainer from the LSCI Institute. The Master Trainer will evaluate your responses, based on standardized criteria, and provide you with feedback on the exams within 2 weeks. You will either “pass” the exams or be asked to re-submit a response(s) based on the feedback.

Technical Assistance

If you experience any technical difficulties while completing the online course, please contact your LSCI Trainer (if you are an employee of a National Training Site) or Signe Whitson at

Course Articles