LSCI is trauma-informed care in action! Alex Cameron, Director of Clinical Services, Pressley Ridge

“I would love to see [LSCI] become part of every teacher training program!”

Amy Lawson, a Special Educator from Hartford Middle School in Vermont, just completed the LSCI Certification training. Here’s what she had to say about her experience:

Describe the significant learnings you are taking away from this course:
This class was extremely valuable. I would love to see it become part of every teacher training program!

I appreciate having a framework to use with challenging interactions with students–the interview basics and procedure. I learned that I use many of the techniques already (affirming, acknowledging feelings…), without really understanding their value and purpose within the whole process. I also learned that sometimes taking a long time to process with a student is ok, and even necessary, when other times I’ve felt inefficient. It’s extremely helpful to understand the flowchart of a productive conversation including knowing how to begin and how to know when you’re at the end of it.

What, if anything, would you like to learn as a follow up to this course?
I think, a follow-up, refresher class would be a good idea. After practicing some of these techniques in real-time, an opportunity to remind and refresh would be very valuable.

Good news, Amy! We offer both live and online Refresher training opportunities. Stay in touch with your Trainer, Ken Kramberg for details or email to learn more.