LSCI Certification Training - June 23-27 - Register Today!
LSCI Conference - June 27-28 - Register Today!
LSCI is trauma-informed care in action! Alex Cameron, Director of Clinical Services, Pressley Ridge
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PBIS & LSCI Whitepaper (PDF)

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LSCI Within a School-Wide PBIS Framework

Life Space Crisis intervention is a strategy that is being used in pre-schools, schools, and districts throughout the country as a part of their PBIS/RTI initiatives! LSCI supports school-wide positive behavior interventions and supports (SWPBIS) and Response to Intervention (RTI) behavior initiatives in a number of ways including:

  1. Provides a systematic, comprehensive approach to addressing escalating behavior that can be used for students in preschool through high school across all three tiers of the PBIS/RTI model (click here to see graphic) as well as in special education settings;
  2. Systematically integrates evidence-based practices related to crisis prevention and intervention, behavior management, cognitive behavior modification, and prosocial skills training into tiered instruction;
  3. Provides school staff with proactive, consistent strategies for de-escalating crisis situations that can lead to reductions in suspensions and expulsions, as well as the use of restraint and seclusion;
  4. Uses incidents of problem behaviors to understand the issues underlying the self-defeating patterns of behavior and re-teaches appropriate replacement behaviors, while promoting the development of positive, supportive relationships with school staff;
  5. Designed to give school staff and students an increased understanding of the function and other intrapersonal factors related to an ongoing pattern of problem behavior, improving the effectiveness of function-based behavior support plans;


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