LSCI Certification Training - June 23-27 - Register Today!
LSCI Conference - June 27-28 - Register Today!
LSCI is trauma-informed care in action! Alex Cameron, Director of Clinical Services, Pressley Ridge

Life Space Crisis Intervention skills have helped transform the lives of students across the world. The video testimonials on this page provide personalized insight from our trainers and professionals.

Sign up for our online training by clicking here.

Online Training

Dave Bromhead

Director at Wellbeing EDvantage,
University of Canberra, Australia
School Psychologist for 20 years

“It’s that personal connection with school leaders when they tell me how it makes a difference. I see the effectiveness in the LSCI approach from the personal stories from the school leaders but also by looking at the data.”

Alex Cameron

Director of Clinical Services at Pressley Ridge
| Markleysburg, Pennsylvania

“LSCI is not just a technique to use for a crisis. It is a culture changer.”

Angie Emmett

Vice Principal at Overlake Specialty School
| Bellevue, Washington

“I believe in LSCI because it works. So many life trajectories can change and it’s empowering to see parents get their children back.”

Signe Whitson

Chief Operating Officer of the LSCI Institute
Dean of Students | Hill View Montessori

“LSCI gave me an advanced set of professional skills that rivaled anything I learned in graduate school. I am not exaggerating when I say that I use elements of LSCI every single day in my professional work as a school counselor.”

Jim Natural

Pressley Ridge

“LSCI is very effective in standardizing the approach that the adults in a young person’s life are consistent. The skills help jumpstart a relationship to where there is a connection with these kids who need help getting on the right path. ”

Douglas Pfeifer

CEO, Life & Purpose Behavioral Health
Marietta, OH

“LSCI always stays fresh and when we experience those same self-defeating patterns and reclaiming interventions prove to be effective. It’s an intervention that I can always count on. Being able to have a blueprint of where to go and what to do when you have to manage complicated and difficult issues.”

Edward O’Neil

Director, Felicity School
Deerfield, IL

“LSCI provides the clinical structure for our program. [This training] helps us help students change behavior.”

Sue Kozak

Pressley Ridge Day School

“[LSCI] has really helped heal a lot of kids and families because it’s just a great tool. I’m really proud to be an LSCI Trainer.”