LSCI is trauma-informed care in action! Alex Cameron, Director of Clinical Services, Pressley Ridge

LSCI Certification Training in New Hampshire

Congratulations to the newest group of LSCI-certified professionals from New Hampshire that trained under Master Trainer, Eric Mann. We appreciate your feedback and enthusiasm for LSCI skills!

Your comments about the Trainer(s):
Eric was terrific. I enjoyed his sense of humor along with the challenge of learning new subject matter.

Eric is a wealth of knowledge! He opened each session with giving us the opportunity to discuss us implementing LSCI. That was so very helpful! He allowed us to all share and ask questions which was so helpful! I have been in education for 20+ years. I have taken countless classes and workshops. This, hands down, is the MOST useful, comprehensive, result-producing training I have ever received. I am literally using it on a daily basis with results! Thank you so much!

Eric is a phenomenal teacher. He is so extremely knowledgeable in the area of LSCI! EXCELLENT TRAINING!

Unbelievable knowledge of the subject!

Eric was well prepared and knowledgeable about the subject. He is a good listener and always allowed time for participants to discuss weekly issues, as well as relate experiences to what was being discussed.

Describe the significant learnings you are taking away from this course:
There are too many to list. The most significant piece to me, is that this is not a ‘band-aid’ approach. LSCI peels back the layers to get to the root of the problem!

Understanding of the conflict cycle, and the six reclaiming interventions to address the patterns of self-defeating behavior. The language I will share with my staff to support our behavioral system.

I have learned the importance of not rushing the processing of students and to build a rapport with students. I also have come to recognize that students come from different places and their behaviors are for a variety of reasons.

How do you see yourself using the information and skills you’ve attained?
I use them on daily basis! It’s amazing!

I will use them daily to support students in crisis and to educate and empower my fellow staff members to better assist students with their regulation skills.

I work with each day with students that have challenging moments at school and at home. I will use my skills when processing and supporting these students.

What would you change about this course?

Honestly, not a thing.

I wouldn’t change much about this course. It is sequenced well, and offers the right amount of discussion and practice to help the information sink in.

More people need to take it!