LSCI is trauma-informed care in action! Alex Cameron, Director of Clinical Services, Pressley Ridge

LSCI Institute Certifies 15 New Senior Trainers

The LSCI Institute continues to grow and expand all around the world. Please join me in welcoming these 15 new Senior Trainers from Belgium & Romania:

Natalie Franq
Sanne Sondervorst
Adelbert Adam
Saksia Vangoidsenhoven
Nathalie Tsyen
Gino Ivens
Liesbeth Geenen
Hannah Lamers
Jens Ruts
Jannick Dhondt
Pieter Moortgat
Kristof Martelez
Tijl Geirnaert
Lien Uyttebroek
Mihai Predescu

Many thanks to Gerrit De Moor and Franky D’Oosterlinck for their leadership and mentorship in certifying these new LSCI Trainers.

To learn how to become a Senior Trainer for the LSCI Institute, please click here.