It’s been a busy summer for LSCI Trainers all across the United States, Canada, Europe, and Australia!
Here’s what participants in Minnesota–including a 3rd grade teacher going into her 24th year of teaching–are saying about their recent LSCI training with Master Trainer, Danielle Theis:
Danielle is phenomenal!!!
The 3 principles of LSCI really put things into perspective for me. I realized that I have often tried to assist students with strategies that draw from them being in the developmental stages of conflict and/or identity when they are not out of abandonment or inadequacy. This was a big aha. Another item that I appreciated learning was the insight stage of LSCI. It is SO important. It is also important to have the student coming up with the next skills and the plan for the future.
The 6 interventions are amazing. I know that I am better prepared for teaching because I attended this training! As a teacher going into my 24th year, I see so many ways that strategies could be pulled into our SEL lessons.
As a homeroom teacher, I see myself as using the developmental stages to help me think through reframing the social/emotional homeroom lessons. I can see myself making sure to teach lessons on self talk. I can also see myself teaching the conflict cycle.
With individual students, I can see me using the strategies for listening and affirming quite often. Identifying emotions during timelines will really help me also connect and reaffirm students’ successes throughout the day. If a student has had a LSCI, I will be sure to find out from the interventionists (not during student time) what skills I should look to affirm with the student–taking a proactive stance during various times. I can also see students sharing some strategies they’ve learned at conferences during their student led conferences. Obviously, I will be using drain off and timelines as a homeroom teacher.
I appreciated Danielle’s ability to be flexible with her presentation and to allow for conversation and application at all levels. It is helpful to know that Danielle is part of the implementation of LSCI process at her own school. Because of this, she can draw from experiences that connect to many different levels. Danielle has a way of presenting with confidence but responding with genuine concern and care. Bravo to you, Danielle! It was a fast, challenging, engaging, and fun 5 days.
Seriously…ALL staff and admin need to have this training!!!!!
For more information or to schedule LSCI training in your area, please visit us at