LSCI is trauma-informed care in action! Alex Cameron, Director of Clinical Services, Pressley Ridge

LSCI Training Prepares Educators for the New School Year

It has been a very busy summer for the LSCI Institute, as we help prepare educators, administrators, counselors, mental health professionals and youth workers from around the world for the 2017-18 school year. The LSCI Institute rolled out several new course formats this year, to better accommodate varied training schedules. We now offer 2-hour, 1-day and 2-day LSCI trainings IN ADDITION TO our Certification training that can now be completed in either 4 or 5 days. To learn more about these expanded training options, click here.

Here’s what people are saying about our brand-new 1-day, Introduction to LSCI training:

Describe the significant learnings you are taking away from this course:
How effective and important it is to use Drain off technique and the importance of listening to what the child has to say.

How the adults’ actions/reactions are like a thermostat. It is important to understand that the way the crisis escalates or de-escalates is in the hands of the adults.

How effective and important it is to use Drain off technique and the importance of listening to what the child has to say.

How to prevent a crisis and better understand a client

How do you see yourself using the information and skills you’ve attained?
I see myself using better listening skills and relying on healthy and effective reactions in order to ensure a positive response and better relationship with the children.

I see myself using better listening skills and relying on healthy and effective reactions in order to ensure a positive response and better relationship with the children.

By remembering to remain calm and remembering not to take things personally.

I see myself using this daily. A lot of kids just need to vent and know I know how to listen and help them in a better way.

Your additional comments about the Trainer(s):
Amazing trainer. She demonstrated different situations (Thanks, Jessica Racine, of KidsPeace)
Well done presentation and very informative
Mrs. Racine was amazing. Her approach to the whole class was awesome. It was not draining at all! I enjoyed the class so much I know will like to get certified!