LSCI Certification Training - June 23-27 - Register Today!
LSCI Conference - June 27-28 - Register Today!
LSCI is trauma-informed care in action! Alex Cameron, Director of Clinical Services, Pressley Ridge

LSCI Training Teaches Adults to Respond More Effectively to Kids

While many professionals attend in-services and other training events prepared to learn new skills and strategies for changing the behaviors of children, LSCI training offers its course participants something far more powerful: skills and strategies for changing their own behaviors!

When adults are educated and empowered to choose de-escalating responses over conflict-fueling reactions, positive changes in children’s behavior is the natural result.

Here is what some of our recent Certification Training attendees are saying about their LSCI experiences:

“I have learned how to react in a more positive and approachable way in order to prevent further escalation of a client.” (Emma M.)

“The skills of Drain Off help me to de-escalate a student and to keep my own reactions controlled and constructive.” (Rebecca L.)

“LSCI skills help me to be more patient so that I can de-escalate a situation.” (Nicole P.)

“I learned the importance of draining off intense emotions and the significant impact caring adults can have on the children we are involved with in the workplace.” (Hannah L.)

“This training helped me improve how I communicate with children during a crisis situation.” (Lynn A.)

“Tactics that I will not only use with my clients, but as a person and mother as well. This was not just a course for me, it was so much more. I greatly appreciate everything!” (A.G.)

To bring the behavior-changing skills of LSCI to your staff and students, email