LSCI Certification Training - June 23-27 - Register Today!
LSCI Conference - June 27-28 - Register Today!
LSCI is trauma-informed care in action! Alex Cameron, Director of Clinical Services, Pressley Ridge

Welcome back to LSCI training!

To gain your Level 3 Certification of LSCI, you must:

  1. Complete Levels 1-2 AND
  2. Read and upload short-answer responses to questions based on six different LSCI intervention examples.
  3. Responses will be evaluated by Trainers from the LSCI Institute and feedback will be provided to each Level 3 candidate.

Getting Started

  1. If you are logged in and have completed level 2, click the link below to register for the Level 3: The LSCI Interventions training. If you are not logged in you will see a note about signing into your account to verify that you have completed levels 1-2. From here you will also be able to add the passcode if you have completed the live training of level one.
  2. Once your registration is complete, you will receive an email notification of your order details and your login information.
  3. As soon as you are logged in to the Level 3 course, you may begin. There is no time limit to your completion of the Level 3 requirements.

Course Fee: $25.00 for participants of National Training Sites, $99.00 for non-NTS employees

Click Here

Sign-Up, Start, or Continue with Course Training

Existing users can login here and we will automatically check to see if you have completed level 2.
All Training sessions feature a series of videos and a specific set of questions from the exam as well as a survey for course evaluation.

Click Here


If you have any questions about the LSCI Online Refresher Training, please e-mail Signe Whitson at