LSCI Certification Training - June 23-27 - Register Today!
LSCI Conference - June 27-28 - Register Today!
LSCI is trauma-informed care in action! Alex Cameron, Director of Clinical Services, Pressley Ridge

Your LSCI Online Course experience is designed to be user-friendly, engaging, and highly informative to your work with young people. We apologize for any difficulties you may encounter. The basic guidelines below will help you resolve the majority of log in, access, and/or certificate issues:


1. When possible, use Chrome or Firefox browsers and be sure to open a fresh browser. Having many tabs opened robs browser resources and can adversely affect the course progress.

2. CLEAR YOUR BROWSER CACHE. Browser cache is a very common culprit causing login and session issues and clearing your cache will often prevent or resolve these issues. Here is a quick guide to clear your browser cache:

SHORTCUT: In chrome, instead of completely clearing your browser cache, you can usually just click F12 (laptop = FN + 12) and then click ctrl + f5 (laptop = ctrl + FN + 5) after which you can close the Chrome developer tools window that f12 opened.

2b. If the completion checkmarks are not appearing for completed modules and you cannot access subsequent modules even after clearing your cache, please log in on a different browser. If you have been using Chrome then logout and switch to FireFox. Chrome is sometimes very stubborn about clinging to browser cache.

3. The LSCI online courses utilize browser cookies (especially the exams). If you have disabled your browser cookies then you will likely encounter issues.

3. Whenever possible, avoid using computers on a school network. School network firewalls are typically very restrictive in order to prevent students from “playing” and viewing content they shouldn’t. Because the LSCI Online courses are video-based, often a School’s safety measures limit your ability to view the videos.

4. Make sure you are not logged in on more than one device at a time. Multiple log ins will, in many cases, prevent you from being able to move on from one video to the next and/or from printing your certificate.

5. EXAMS: 3. If you are taking an exam, finish the exam completely before leaving or submitting it. Walking away or submitting it early will most likely cost you all your answers.

6. Log out when you are finished with your session.

7. If you cannot recall your username, please contact your LSCI Trainer or the person who created your online account.

Log In Payment Issues:

If your school or organization has already created and paid for your online course account, please log in using these simple steps, to avoid being asked to supply additional payment information:

a. Click on Student Access on the top of the screen
b. Enter your correct login credentials
c. Click on Level 1: Introduction to LSCI on the left side of your screen, under Online Courses
d. The videos will be available on that screen, for you to begin the training.

Still stuck?
If you are not able to resolve your issues using the steps above, please complete this customer service form and we will provide additional technical support.

If you have any additional questions, please contact Signe Whitson at