LSCI Certification Training - June 23-27 - Register Today!
LSCI Conference - June 27-28 - Register Today!
LSCI is trauma-informed care in action! Alex Cameron, Director of Clinical Services, Pressley Ridge

Welcome, professionals! Here, you will find all of the basic information you need about training opportunities available through the LSCI Institute,  including course descriptions, graduate credit opportunities, online learning, and more!

The LSCI 401 Certification Training (described in detail below) is our gold-standard training course that offers the full set of LSCI skills and all six of the LSCI interventions. This course can also be taken for 3 graduate credits in Psychology or Special Education through Augustana University.

To book an LSCI training for yourself or your staff, please email or check out our list of Training Sites to find LSCI in your area.


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Why attend LSCI training?

Unfortunately, many adults report that they have not received training on how to de-escalate problem situations or talk to kids in crisis. LSCI is an evidence-based, trauma-informed verbal intervention strategy that thoroughly prepares adults to turn crisis situations into learning opportunities. Using a consistent and comprehensive six-stage process, LSCI teaches adults how to connect with young people in distress and instill in them the insights and skills they need to achieve long term behavioral change.

LSCI Certification training is rated as Promising by the California Evidence Based Clearinghouse. Click here to learn more.

List of Courses

Title: LSCI 401: LSCI Certification Training

The LSCI Certification training is our original, gold-standard course that teaches verbal de-escalation skills, along with trauma-informed intervention strategies for reaching young people and teaching them how to turn problem situations into learning opportunities. Participants will learn:

  • How to help young people who act out in stress, sparking explosive and endless power struggles
  • How to help young people who make poor decisions based on distorted perceptions & thoughts
  • How to help young people who lack the social skills to be successful
  • How to help young people who are purposefully aggressive with little conscience
  • How to help young people who act impulsively, then become burdened by guilt & shame
  • How to help young people who become entangled in destructive peer relationships

Rated as a Promising intervention by the California Evidence-Based Clearinghouse, LSCI Certification training offers advanced professional skills for teachers, special educators, school administrators, social workers, counselors, youth care workers, administrators, psychologists, and other professionals working with youth who exhibit challenging behaviors. It is particularly useful when team members are trained together. Certification in LSCI includes:

  • A set of brain-based, trauma-informed, relationship-building skills
  • A comprehensive Participant’s Manual covering the training and techniques
  • The textbook Life Space Crisis Intervention: Talking with Students in Conflict
  • Instructor-led teaching and modeling of intervention skills
  • Real-life video sequences
  • Structured and small group activities
  • Realistic role-play activities
  • Demonstration of skills requirement in order to earn certification

Upon successful completion of the training, participants receive a Certificate of Competency in Life Space Crisis Intervention from the LSCI Institute.

Title: LSCI 101: LSCI Overview

This 2-hour Overview training will help participants understand LSCI as a brain-based, trauma-informed intervention that integrates easily with existing behavior management processes and programs. The LSCI Conflict Cycle™ is explained as a fundamental paradigm for understanding the dynamics of escalating conflict and no-win power struggles between adults and kids. Participants will gain specific skills for breaking the Conflict Cycle and de-escalating problem situations with young people.


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Title: LSCI 201: Introduction to LSCI

This 1-day Introduction to LSCI course teaches the foundational skills of reaching out to young people during conflict and turning problem situations into learning opportunities. In addition to the skills taught in the LSCI Overview course, participants will learn:

  • How a young person’s brain is impacted by stress & trauma
  • Key differences in perceptions, thoughts, and feelings between adults and kids that often lead to conflict
  • Specific skills for listening to young people in ways that build trust and improve communication
  • The LSCI skills of Drain Off© and Timeline© to relate to a stressed-out child, help him/her regulate their emotional responses and guide the young person to put language to emotion, ultimately leading to long-term behavioral change

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Title: LSCI 301: Talking with Students in Conflict

This 2-day Talking with Students in Conflict course teaches relationship-building, brain-based de-escalation skills along with trauma-informed intervention strategies for reaching out to young people and turning problem situations into learning opportunities. In addition to the skills taught in the Introduction to LSCI course, participants will learn:

  • How to carry out each of the six stages of the Life Space Crisis Intervention process
  • How to help young people who act out in stress, sparking explosive and endless power struggles using the Red Flag intervention
  • How to help young people who make poor decisions based on distorted perceptions & thoughts, using the Reality Check intervention

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Title: LSCI 402: LSCI Refresher Training

While certification in the skills of LSCI is a lifetime accreditation, many participants over the years have told us how valuable it is for them to formally review, discuss, and practice LSCI skills on a regular basis.  The LSCI 402 course offers professionals the opportunity to do just that!

The one-day, live LSCI Refresher Training provides a review of the fundamental skills of LSCI, including:

  • The LSCI Conflict Cycle™
  • The impact of chronic stress and trauma on the brain and behavior of young people
  • How to regulate the emotional responses of young people
  • Trauma-informed intervention practices
  • Relationship-building skills and strategies

LSCI 402 is an interactive training that draws heavily upon professionals’ real-life experience using LSCI to discuss, offer feedback, and teach advanced strategies for carrying out the six stages of LSCI.  Participants will:

  • Engage in extensive role play of intervention skills
  • Thoroughly de-brief these experiences with the Senior Trainer and their colleagues.

The LSCI Refresher Training is also available as an online course.  Click here to learn more.


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Title: LSCI 102: Turning Down the Heat: Preventing Conflict & Counter-aggression

Many teachers become irritated by the behavior of select, challenging students. This is to be expected. Few teachers are trained to understand and acknowledge these normal counter-aggressive feelings. Problems develop when competent teachers stay angry at a student. When a conflict develops, teachers are less likely to perceive accurately, think clearly, and reason coherently. Though competent teachers rarely initiate conflicts with students, they often keep them alive though their unintended, counter-productive reactions.
Turning Down the Heat documents the most common reasons that teachers become counter-aggressive with select students and offers dozens of targeted intervention skills to more effectively manage conflict in the classroom. Grounded in neuroscience and trauma-informed approaches, this unique training leads to powerful insights that will change the way you think and behave when you are angry.


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Title: LSCI 103: The Angry Smile: Understanding & Changing Passive Aggressive Behavior

The Angry Smile training courses are designed for anyone who lives, works, or interacts with a passive aggressive person and wants to better understand and manage the often-troubling dynamics. We offer The Angry Smile training in 3 different formats, for your convenience:

Our one-day training is designed to take an in-depth look at how to understand and change passive aggressive behavior. Using extensive discussion, video examples, and role play, participants will:

1. Define and distinguish passive aggression from other forms of anger expression
2. Understand how passive aggressive behavior is used situationally by many and develops as a personality style among some.
3. Identify 5 distinct and increasingly pathological levels of passive aggression
4. Learn the Passive Aggressive Conflict Cycle
5. Recognize how passive-aggressive behavior is displayed in home, school, relationships, the workplace & online.
6. Identify how counter-passive aggressive behavior can occur and cause people to act in uncharacteristic and explosive ways.
7. Learn 8 skills for responding effectively to passive-aggressive behavior
8. Practice the 6-step process of Benign Confrontation, used to manage and change passive aggressive behavior over the long term.

Our two-hour training is specially designed for professional in-services, conference breakout sessions, and any other occasion in which participants need a comprehensive introduction to passive aggressive behavior.

Participants will:

1. Define and distinguish passive aggression from other forms of anger expression
2. Recognize typical passive-aggressive behaviors in children, teens and adults
3. Identify 5 distinct and increasingly pathological levels of passive aggression
4. Recognize how passive-aggressive behavior is displayed in home, school, relationships, the workplace & online.
5. Learn 8 specific skills for responding effectively to passive-aggressive behavior

The Angry Smile Online training comprehensively examines passive aggressive behavior in children, adolescents, and adults within families, school settings, relationships, workplaces, and online. Through video-based modules, led by Angry Smile co-author, Signe Whitson, participants will discover how to stop endless conflict cycles, frustrating arguments and relationship-damaging wars of words. Click here for details.


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Title: LSCI 104: Parenting the Challenging Child

Based on classic Life Space Crisis Intervention principles and the new book, Parenting the Challenging Child: The 4-Step Way to Turn Problem Situations Into Learning Opportunities, LSCI 104 offers parents & caregivers:

* Specific skills for building more positive relationships with kids
* Proven strategies for de-escalating stressful situations and regulating kids’ emotions
* A reliable 4-step framework for turning common problem situations into lasting learning opportunities

2-hour Training for Parents & Caregivers
This course option presents fundamental, trauma-informed LSCI concepts such as the Conflict Cycle™, emotional regulation, effective listening, conflict de-escalation, and “Timeline” skills through engaging activities and discussions that are relevant and accessible to parents and caregivers.

Full-day Training Parents & Caregivers
This course option includes all of the content from the 2-hour course and, in addition, identifies the six most common patterns of challenging behavior in kids. The full-day training provides parents with a consistent 4-step process to address and modify each pattern, giving attendees the opportunity to practice the 4-steps and receive feedback on their new skills.

This 2-hour, video-based workshop led by Parenting the Challenging Child author and LSCI Institute COO, Signe Whitson, offers parents and caregivers dozens of brain-based, trauma-informed, relationship-building strategies. Participants will learn:
1. How to improve relationships with their child(ren)
2. What is happening in a young person’s brain during periods of stress and conflict
3. Proven strategies for de-escalating stressful situations and preventing problem behaviors
4. How to respond to children in ways that interrupt the dynamics of conflict

Click here for further details and to register.

To find a Parenting the Challenging Child training in your area, please visit our Available Locations page or contact us to arrange to bring a Trainer to your area for groups of 10+.

Title: LSCI 105: The Double Struggle Intervention

In LSCI terms, a Double Struggle is a problem situation that begins within an adult. The struggle is between what that adult knows they should do professionally and their internal conflict that makes it difficult for them to carry out this professional responsibility. This 2.5 hour training program teaches professionals how to effectively carry out the Double Struggle Intervention, a stage-by-stage verbal process for use with adults who inadvertently fuel conflict or miss opportunities to effectively engage young people.

This course is designed as a follow up to LSCI Certification, as it uses the six stage intervention framework. It is ideal for teachers, mental health professionals, paraprofessionals, administrators, and anyone mentoring or supervising professionals who work with young people.


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Online Courses

Based on the thousands of course evaluations submitted each year by our course participants, we know that LSCI training is highly regarded as a valuable & enduring professional investment. We are also well aware, however, that making the commitment to spend time away from your workplace and to spend funds on travel and lodging can be a real challenge. We are happy to be able to provide several worthwhile and engaging learning opportunities for you online, to minimize your time away from students & clients and to maximize your learning.


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Cancellation and Refund

Participants can cancel up to 48 hours* prior to the beginning of a training course and receive a refund, less the cost of materials and shipping. Cancellations made after this time or during the class are not eligible for a monetary refund. However, participants will be permitted to re-enroll in a subsequent LSCI training course and apply the full amount of their paid fees.

*Some National Training Sites may require more than 48 hours notice for cancellations and refunds. Please contact your individual Trainer/Training Site for details.

Grievance Policy

Any grievances regarding LSCI Training should be communicated directly to the LSCI Trainer(s) leading the course. If a grievance can not be resolved directly with the Trainer, it should be submitted in writing, using the standard course evaluation or sent via email to Participants will receive a direct response to their grievance.

GET STARTED: Register for Training

Thanks so much for taking the time to learn more about the advanced reclaiming skills of Life Space Crisis Intervention. We invite you to select from the options listed below so that you can join thousands of your colleagues all over the world in becoming LSCI certified!

By location:
If you prefer to attend LSCI training in a specific geographic location and your schedule is flexible, please check out our list of Training Sites. Select the Training Site closest to your desired location and get in touch with the contact person listed, either by e-mail or telephone.

By schedule:
If you prefer a specific time frame to attend LSCI training and have the flexibility to travel, please check out our Calendar. Select the Training Site that best meets your availability for training and get in touch with the contact person listed, either by e-mail or telephone.

To your doorstep at your convenience:
LSCI Trainers often travel to provide training for groups at their location, at their convenience. If the locations or schedules posted on the site will not work for your group, please send an e-mail to with the details of your needs. Be sure to include your location, the number of people you are interested in having certified in LSCI, the time frame in which your participants are available for training (e.g. only in the summer, Fall is preferred, December 10-14 is a MUST, etc), and any other information that will help us connect you with a Trainer that can bring LSCI to your doorstep!

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