LSCI Certification Training - June 23-27 - Register Today!
LSCI Conference - June 27-28 - Register Today!
LSCI is trauma-informed care in action! Alex Cameron, Director of Clinical Services, Pressley Ridge

Group Curriculum for Kids

The eight-session LSCI Group Curriculum is designed to teach child and adolescent students and clients the basic concepts of Life Space Crisis intervention. The Group Curriculum helps kids learn about self-defeating behaviors and how to avoid falling into these troublesome patterns.

The Group Curriculum is intended as a helpful tool for LSCI-certified professionals trying to integrate LSCI into their classrooms and therapeutic milieus and also as a tool for professionals who desire to run effective groups with clients.

The LSCI Group Curriculum Trainer’s Manual walks group leaders step-by-step and session-by-session through eight unique aspects of LSCI for Kids. Trainers may use either the Children’s Handbook or the Youth Handbook, depending on the writing and comprehension abilities of participants. A group leader may use both versions in a single group, since the basic activities are the same. However, leaders must use extra care in attending to slightly different sets of written responses.

Click here to learn how a Special Education program for children and adolescents in Plainview, Connecticut successfully implemented the LSCI Group Curriculum.

Click here to purchase your copy today!

For more details on the LSCI Group Curriculum, please contact Signe Whitson at