LSCI Certification Training - June 23-27 - Register Today!
LSCI Conference - June 27-28 - Register Today!
LSCI is trauma-informed care in action! Alex Cameron, Director of Clinical Services, Pressley Ridge

Jane Scruggs

I am a teacher but also a foster mother of a 14-year-old girl. Just this morning I had an opportunity to put my new skills into place, with fabulous results. My foster daughter was being rude and insolent (among other things, she pinched me “in jest”) so I sent her out for a few min., calmed down, and went up to talk to her. I did just what we had been trained to do–asked what was up, said this wasn’t like her–and got the true story as to why she was upset. She apologized, we hugged, and all was good again.