LSCI Certification Training - June 23-27 - Register Today!
LSCI Conference - June 27-28 - Register Today!
LSCI is trauma-informed care in action! Alex Cameron, Director of Clinical Services, Pressley Ridge

Get Certified as a Senior Trainer for the LSCI Institute!
Our network of Senior Trainers are hand-selected from the professional staff of our International Training Sites as well as qualified professionals from the fields of Education, Psychology, Social Work, Counseling, Child & Youth Care work, and related fields.

The following is a list of the criteria to be considered as a candidate for an LSCI Senior Trainer:

1. Certification in LSCI
2. Experience using LSCI for at least 3 months
3. A Master’s degree in a relevant field (social work, psychology, education, etc.)*
4. At least two years of direct care experience working with challenging children and adolescents

*Candidates who do not hold a Master’s degree will be considered on an individual basis, provided they have qualifying professional experience working with challenging students and a history of relevant work experience.

The process of becoming certified as a Senior Trainer for the LSCI Institute is broken down into the following five steps:

1: Successful completion of the LSCI Certification course
Potential LSCI Senior Trainers must first participate as learners to gain initial LSCI certification.

2. Submit LSCI Senior Trainer application
Exemplary trainees who meet the minimum requirements for LSCI Senior Trainers (see above) may apply to begin the Senior Trainer Certification process. Applications are available by contacting Signe Whitson at Applicants should include a copy of a current resume with their inquiry. Accepted candidates will be assigned to work with an LSCI Master Trainer who will guide their certification.

3: Successful completion of Online Refresher and Advanced Certification Program
Accepted trainer-candidates must complete LSCI Certification Levels 2-3 through the LSCI Institute’s online Refreshed & Advanced Certification training program. . There is a $99 fee for each of these online courses.

4. Co-Train LSCI certification courses
Trainer-candidates will assist a Master Trainer with at least two LSCI certification events, teaching assigned portions of the curriculum and helping administer the Skills Demonstration exam. The Master Trainer will determine, at the end of these co-trainings, if the candidate has the skills to move on to attend a Train the Trainer final session or if the candidate needs to continue developing trainer skills and should complete an additional co-training event. A rating form for the demonstration of skills to attend the TTT event will be completed by the Master Trainer and provided to the Senior Trainer candidate.

5. Successful completion of the Train the Trainer final session
The Trainer-candidate must attend a Train the Trainer (TTT) session in which administrative and teaching aspects of LSCI training are reviewed and Trainer materials are provided. An agenda and guidelines for the policies and procedures to be reviewed during a TTT are provided to all Master Trainers.

1. During the first year of Senior Trainer status, a new Senior Trainer must arrange to be observed by an LSCI Master Trainer or designated Senior Trainer. Feedback will be provided by the Master Trainer to the new Senior Trainer and to the LSCI Institute.

2. During the first three years of a National Training Site’s affiliation with the LSCI Institute, the site must arrange, at their expense, to bring in a Master Trainer from the LSCI Institute at least once per year. In these (minimum) three visits, the Master Trainer will provide direct observation and coaching of LSCI training along with consultation for the site on the effective implementation of LSCI training and related practices.

3. To maintain their status, all Senior Trainers must conduct at least one LSCI Certification Course training per year and must attend the LSCI Trainer Recertification, held every three years.

*Please note that LSCI Senior Trainer certification is tied to the individual’s employment within the International Training Site. Should the individual leave, they will no longer be able to train and certify staff in LSCI, unless they make arrangements directly with the LSCI Institute.

As of January 2024, the following prices are in effect:

3-year Affiliation Fee per Trainer: $1,500
Levels 2 & 3 online training: $198
Materials Fee per Trainer: $600
Total: $2,298

If you have any questions about the LSCI Senior Trainer Certification Process, please email Signe Whitson at